50 aniversario ESCRBC

General Regulations

- ESCRBC COVID-19 Prevention Measures (new April 2022)

- COVID-19 surveillance and control strategy after the acute phase of the pandemic in the Community of Madrid (new for April 2022)

-Updated instructions on the protection of personal data for public educational centres in the Region of Madrid (new for February 2022)

-Resolution of the Directorate General for Universities and Higher Artistic Education announcing the entrance examination in 2022 for those who do not meet the academic requirements for access to higher artistic education (new for February 2022)

- Rules for claims relating to marks at the ESCRBC for the 2021-22 academic year (new for January 2022)

- Equivalence in the MECES of former ESCRBC qualifications: frequently asked questions (new for January 2022)  

 Resolution of 23 December 2021, of the General Secretariat of Universities, which publishes the Agreement of the Council of Ministers of 7 December 2021, which determines the level of correspondence to the level of the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education of the Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage in all its specialisations (new for January 2022)

ORDER 2155/2021 of the Regional Ministry of Education, Universities, Science, and Spokesperson's Office by which the school calendar for the 2021-2022 academic year is established in the public centres of higher artistic education in the Community of Madrid

- Instructions of the Directorate General for Universities and Higher Artistic Education for Higher Artistic Education Centres (2021-2022)  

- Annexes to the Instructions of the Directorate General for Universities and Higher Artistic Education for Higher Artistic Education Centres (2021-2022)

 Resolution of the Directorate General for Universities and Higher Artistic Education amending the Instructions of the Directorate General for Universities and Higher Artistic Education regulating the organisation and operation of the 2021-2022 academic year in higher artistic education centres in the Community of Madrid (new for December 2021).

Internal Regulations

Resolution of the Directorate General for Universities and Higher Artistic Education by which further education is determined and instructions are issued on the admission and enrolment of students with a Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage who wish to obtain the Graduate Qualification in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage in the same specialisation at the Upper School of Conservation - Restoration in Madrid, for the 2020-2021 academic year

Documentation for the enrolment of students who studied at the ESCRBC during the last academic year.

Documentation for the enrolment of new students

Information of interest to ESCRBC students

- Indicative information on the tuition fees for new domestic and foreign students

- Royal Decree 700/2019, of 29 November, which amends Royal Decree 1850/2009, of 4 December, on the issuing of academic and professional qualifications corresponding to the teaching established by Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, on Education, in order to establish the format, content and documentary format of the European Diploma Supplement for Artistic Education

Royal Decree establishing the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education (MECES) and the organisation of official university education

Order 2221/2011 regulating the entrance examination for access to higher artistic education for those who do not meet the academic requirements established by Royal Decree 1614/2009

Royal Decree 1614/2009, on the regulation of higher artistic studies

-Royal Decree 303/2010, which establishes the minimum requirements for centres providing artistic education

Royal Decree 635/2010, which regulates the basic content of higher artistic education in conservation and restoration of cultural heritage, at degree level

- Decree (...) establishing the Curriculum for the Community of Madrid for higher artistic Degree studies in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage

-  Higher Education in Spain (MECES)

Agreement on public fees for Higher Artistic Studies

 Instructions for the enrolment and admission of foreigners in non-university teaching centres.

 Organic Law 3/2020, of 29 December, which amends Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, on Education. 

- Organic Law 2/2006, of 3 May, on Education